martha castillo
Clayprint portfolio
Monotype Printmaking is a dynamic and versatile art form that involves transferring images, patterns, or designs from one surface to another, creating stunning, unique works of art. Clayprinting is no exception. While potter’s clay replaces both the plate and the ink, the general process is the same, and no two pieces are the same.
Meadow, 2014
Nine Pages, 2011
Night Window
Short Stories #4, 2011
Short Stories #, 2011
A Certain Slant of Light
Widely Scattered
Wagon Wheel
Seven Doors, 2016
Each print is a unique exploration of texture, color, and composition, reflecting the artist’s vision and the intricacies of the chosen medium. Whether producing bold graphics or delicate details, printmaking celebrates the interplay of creativity, craftsmanship, and innovation, inviting viewers into a world where art is both process and product.